LESSON 34 The bear in school
第三十四课 校园里的熊
A boy rambling in the woods many years ago, in a part of America where bears used to live, one day found the cub of a Black Bear. It was very young, and looked like a little dog covered all over with thick brown hair.
The boy carried it home. It was fed and brought up about the house, and soon became as tame as a dog.

Every day the boy had to go to school some way off. It was not long before the bear went with him, and it used to roam about the fields till school was over.
At first the other boys were afraid of Henry's bear, but before long they became great friends.
Many of them used to bring their dinners to school in small bags or baskets. These were hung on pegs on the wall, and at the play-hour they were taken down, and the bear was sure then to get a good share of the bread and butter, and apples and pears.
Things went on in this way for a long time; but one day the animal was nowhere to be seen. It had found its way to the woods, and did not return. Search was made for it, but without success.
What did the boy find in the woods? What did he do with it? What did it soon become? Where used it to go with him? What did the boys give it? Where had it gone when it was missed?
Many years passed away, in which time great changes took place in the school. The old master died, and a new one took his place.
A new set of boys filled the seats in the old school-house.
One very cold wintry day, while the master was out, a boy chanced to leave the door half open, and on a sudden a large black bear walked into the school!
The boys were in terror. Some ran to the door, others made for the tables. One big fellow jumped out of the window. Two or three little girls hid themselves under the desks. But one brave boy seized a piece of wood, and told the girls not to be afraid, for he would protect them!
But the bear did not harm any one. It walked up quietly to the fire, and warmed itself. It seemed to be very much at home, and to feel very glad to get into such warm, snug quarters.
It sat by the fire for a short time, and then walked up to the wall where the dinner baskets of the scholars were hanging.
Standing on its hind feet, it put its paw into the baskets, and helped itself to the bread and fruit, and other good things in them! It then quietly walked out of the school by the way it had walked in.
In the meantime, the boy who had jumped out of the window had alarmed the village.
A number of young men started with their guns, to shoot the bear. As its track was very plain in the snow, they soon came up with it, and killed it.
Then it was that they found, by certain marks upon its skin, that the poor bear was no enemy, but the old friend of their own schooldays! Great was the sorrow felt for its death.
What changes took place in the school in the course of time? What happened one cold day in winter? What did the boys and the girls do? Where did the bear go? What did it do when it had warmed itself? What had the boy who jumped out of the window done? How did the men follow it? What did they do to it? What did they then find?