LESSON 53 About kings and queens
第五十三课 国王和王后的故事
Kings and Queens are the chief persons in the countries over which they rule. The British Commonwealth and Empire is ruled over by Queen Elizabeth II, who came to the throne after the death of her father, King George VI.
Kings and Queens have crowns, which are generally made of gold and precious stones. The crown of the sovereign of Britain is worth many thousands of pounds!

Some boys and girls may have seen the Queen of Great Britain passing through the towns in which they live; but it is very unlikely that they have seen her wearing her crown.
It is too heavy to be placed on her head, but it is sometimes carried before her. Except upon great occasions, such as her coronation, the Queen dresses just like any other lady in the land.
Here is a picture of some of the things which belong to the Queen.
The crown is placed on a velvet cushion, and lying near it are the golden orb and the sceptre. The swords which you see are carried before her by her officers.
Some people think that if they were kings and queens they would always be happy. This is a great mistake. The poorest subject is sometimes much happier than his sovereign.
Queen Elizabeth's time is not her own. She cannot always be seeking to please herself; for God has given her a great empire to rule over. The Bible tells us to honour those who rule over us; therefore it is our duty to obey the laws of our country.
What are kings and queens? Who rules over the British Commonwealth and Empire? Of what are crowns made? Where may boys and girls have seen the Queen? Why does not the Queen wear her crown? Name some of the things which belong to Queen Elizabeth. What do some people think of kings and queens? Why is the Queen's time not her own? What are wet aught in the Bible?