第五十七课 茶和咖啡
Tea is the leaf of an evergreen shrub which grows in China and Japan, and also in some parts of India. The tea plant has glossy green leaves and white blossoms.
At certain seasons the young leaves are gathered. They are then dried, rolled between the hands, and packed in boxes or chests.

Two kinds of tea are imported into this country—black and green. The difference in colour isdue to different ways of drying the leaf. For black tea the leaves are exposed to the open air for some time before they are roasted, and they are then dried slowly over charcoal fires. For green tea the leaves are roasted quickly, almost as soon as they are gathered.
When tea was first brought to England it was very costly, and some of the people did not know how it should be made; so they boiled the leaves and ate them, after having thrown the liquid away!
The Coffee plant is a shrub which resembles the laurel. It has a slender stem, pointed glossy leaves, and clusters of pretty white blossoms. When the flowers fall off, green berries are left behind. When the berries are ripe, they are found to contain two seeds. From these seeds, when roasted and ground, we make the pleasant drink called Coffee.
The Coffee plant grows in Arabia, in the Southern States of North America, in Brazil, in the East and West Indies, and in Ceylon.
What is tea? Where does the tea plant grow? Describe its leaves and its blossoms. What is done with the leaves? What two kinds of tea are there? To what is the difference in colour due? How is black tea prepared? How is green tea prepared? How did some people prepare tea for food?
Describe the coffee plant. From which part of the plant is coffee obtained? Where does the coffee plant grow?