You go to school on a cold winter morning.
A bright fire is blazing in the stove, surrounded with boys struggling to get near it to warm themselves.
After you are slightly warmed, a schoolmate comes in suffering with cold.
"Here, James," you pleasantly call out to him, "I am almost warm; you may have my place."
As you slip aside to allow him to take your place at the fire, will he not feel that you are kind?
The worst boy in the world can not help admiring such generosity; and, even though he be so ungrateful as not to return the favor,
you may depend upon it that he will be your friend as far as he is capable of friendship.
If you will always act upon this principle, you will never want for friends.
Suppose, some day, you are out with your companions playing ball.
After you have been playing for some time, another boy comes along.
He can not be chosen upon either side, for there is no one to match him.
"Henry," you say, "you may take my place a little while, and I will rest."
You throw yourself down upon the grass, while Henry, fresh and vigorous, takes your bat and engages in the game.
He knows that you give up to oblige him, and how can he help liking you for it?
The fact is, that neither man nor child can cultivate such a spirit of generosity and kindness without attracting affection and esteem.