Le Vaillant (the celebrated French traveler and naturalist) was the first who gave us any exact account of the form and habits of the giraffe.
While he was traveling in South Africa, he happened one day to discover a hut covered with the skin of one of those animals;
and learned to his surprise that he was now in a part of the country where the creature was found.
He could not rest contented until he had seen the animal alive, and had secured a specimen.
Having on several days obtained sight of some of them, he, with his attendants, on horseback and accompaniedwith dogs, gave chase; but they baffled all pursuit.

After a chase of a whole day, which effected nothing but the fatigue of the party, he began to despair of success.
"The next day," says he, "by sunrise, I was in pursuit of game, in the hope of obtaining some provisions formy men.
After several hours' fatigue, we saw, at the turn of a hill, seven giraffes, which my pack of dogs instantlypursued.
Six of them went off together; but the seventh, cut off by my dogs, took another way.