For some time he dressed as a peasant, and lived in the cottage of a cowherd,
who was so careful of his king's safety that he did not even tell his wife who he was.
So she treated the king as a common peasant,
and one day gave him a sharp scolding because he allowed some cakes to burn on the griddle, after she had left him to watch them.
She told him he was clever enough at eating cakes though he managed so badly at baking them.
When the search for him grew less active, Alfred gradually collected some of his followers, with whom he encamped on a small spot of firm ground in the center of a bog.
It was surrounded by almost impassable forests, and Alfred fortified the place so that it could not well be taken.
Then he made frequent sudden and successful attacks on the enemy until his troops and the people became encouraged.
One victory in particular, when they captured a banner which the Danes thought enchanted, led Alfred to take bolder steps.

He wished to find out the exact condition of the enemy, and, for this purpose, disguised himself as a harper and entered their camp.
He was so successful in his disguise that he remained there some days, even being admitted to the tent of the Danish leader Guthrum.
He found their entire army living in careless security,
and so he determined to make a sudden and bold attack on them, to try and rid his country once more of these cruel invaders.
He summoned his people about him from far and wide.
Many of them had long thought their beloved king dead, but now all eagerly obeyed his call.
He at once led them against that part of the camp which he had seen to be most unguarded.
The attack was entirely unexpected; and, although the Danes were greater in numbers, they were defeated with great slaughter.
Some of them, with their leader, fled to a fortified place, but were soon obliged to surrender.