In the morning, at this time of year, on the contrary, we are overpowered by the vocal and multitudinous chorus of the feathered tribe.
If you would hear the commencement of this grand anthem of nature, you must rise at the very first appearance of dawn,
before the twilight has formed a complete semicircle above the eastern porch of heaven.
The first note that proceeds from the little warbling host, is the shrill chirp of the hairbird,—occasionally vocal at an hours on a warm summer night.
This strain, which is a continued trilling sound, is repeated with diminishing intervals, until it becomes almost incessant.

But ere the hairbird has uttered many notes, a single robin begins to warble from a neighboring orchard, soon followed by others,
increasing in numbers until, by the time the eastern sky is flushed with crimson, every male, robin in the country round is singing with fervor.
It would be difficult to note the exact order in which the different birds successively begin their parts in this performance;
but the bluebird, whose song is only a short, mellow warble, is heard nearly at the same time with the robin,
and the song sparrow joins them soon after with his brief but finely modulated strain.