The different species follow rapidly, one after another, in the chorus, until the whole welkin rings with their matin hymn of gladness.
I have often wondered that the almost simultaneous utterance of so many different notes should produce no discords, and that they should result in such complete harmony.
In this multitudinous confusion of voices, no two notes are confounded,
and none has sufficient duration to grate harshly with a dissimilar sound.
Though each performer sings only a few strains and then makes a pause,

the whole multitude succeed one another with such rapidity that we hear an uninterrupted flow of music until the broad light of day invites them to other employments.
When there is just light enough to distinguish the birds, we may observe, here and there, a single swallow perched on the roof of a barn or shed,
repeating two twittering notes incessantly, with a quick turn and a hop at every note he utters.
It would seem to be the design of the bird to attract the attention of his mate,
and this motion seems to be made to assist her in discovering his position.
As soon as the light has tempted him to fly abroad, this twittering strain is uttered more like a continued song, as he flits rapidly through the air.