And if I find it, 'tis mine to keep, is it, and no mistake? Why, to be sure it would be yours! cried out the parson, in a loud voice.
To be sure it would be yours! He strode along in silence for a while. Whose else would it be but yours if you find it?
he burst out. Can you tell me that? If ever I have a ship of my own, said Tom Chist,
and if ever I sail to India in her, I'll fetch you back the best chist of tea, sir, that ever was fetched from that land.
Parson Jones burst out laughing. Thankee, Tom, he said; and I'll thankee again when I get my chist of tea.
But tell me, Tom, didst thou ever hear of the farmer girl who counted her chickens before they were hatched?
It was thus they talked as they hurried along up the beach together, until they came to a place at last

where Tom stopped short and stood looking about him. 'Twas just here, he said, I saw the boat last night. I know 'twas here,
for I remember that bit of wreck yonder, and that there was a tall stake in the sand just where yon stake is.
Parson Jones put on his spectacles and went over to the stake which Tom had pointed out.
As soon as he had looked at it carefully, he called: Why, Tom, this hath just been driven down into the sand.
Tis a brand-new stake of wood, and the pirates must have set it here themselves as a mark,
just as they drove the pegs you spoke about down into the sand. Tom came over and looked at the stake.
It was a stout piece of oak nearly two inches thick; it had been shaped with some care, and the top of it had been painted red.
He shook the stake and tried to move it, but it had been driven so deeply into the sand that he could not stir it.
Aye, sir, he said, it must have been set here for a mark, for I am sure 'twas not here yesterday or the day before.
Tom stood looking about him to see if there were other signs of the pirates.
At a little distance there was the corner of something white sticking up out of the sand.
He could see that it was a scrap of paper, and he pointed to it, calling out:
Yonder is a piece of paper, sir. I wonder if they left that behind them.