LESSON 5 The prairie on fire
第五课 起火的大草原
The Prairies——Between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains there is a vast extent of grassy plains called Prairies.
The soil is fertile and the vegetation luxuriant; and before their occupation by the white man the tall grass waved in the wind over the wide expense.
If we tarry here much longer, it will be in the fashion that the bees lie round the straw after the hive has been smoked for its honey.

You may hear the fire begin to roar already; and I know by experience that when the flame once gets fairly into the prairie grass, he is no sloth that can outrun it."
"Think you," returned the old man pointing scornfully at the mazes of the dry and matted grass which environed them, "that mortal feet can outstrip the speed of fire on such a path?"
"What say you, friend doctor?" cried the bewildered Paul, turning to the naturalist with that sort of helplessness with which the strong are often apt to seek aid of the weak,
when human power is baffled by the hand of a mightier Being;—"what say you? Have you no advice to give away in a case of life and death?"
The naturalist stood, tablets in hand, looking at the awful spectacle with as much composure as though the conflagration had been lighted in order to solve the difficulties of some scientific problem.
Aroused by the question of his companion, he turned to his equally calm though differently occupied associate, the trapper,
demanding with the most provoking insensibility to the urgent nature of their situation—"Venerable hunter, you have often witnessed similar prismatic experiments—"
He was rudely interrupted by Paul, who struck the tablets from his hand with a violence that betrayed the utter intellectual confusion which had overset his equanimity.