When they reached the place, however, the stunted grass itself announced the absence of that moisture which had fed the rank weeds of most of the plain,
and furnished a clew to the evidence by which he had judged of the formation of the ground hidden beneath.
Here a few minutes were lost in breaking down the tops of the surrounding herbage—which, notwithstanding the advantage of their position,
rose even above the heads of Middleton and Paul—and in obtaining a look-out that might command a view of the surrounding sea of fire.

The examination which his companions so instantly and so intently made, rather served to assure them of their desperate situation than to appease their fears.
Huge columns of smoke were rolling up from the plain, and thickening in gloomy masses around the horizon.
The red glow which gleamed upon their enormous folds, now lighted their volumes with the glare of the conflagration, now flashed to another point, as the flame beneath glided ahead,
leaving all behind enveloped in awful darkness, and proclaiming louder than words the character of the imminent and rapidly approaching danger.
"This is terrible!" exclaimed Middleton, folding the trembling Inez to his heart. "At such a time as this, and in such a manner!"
"The gates of heaven are open to all who truly believe," murmured the gentle wife.
"This resignation is maddening! But we are men, and will make a struggle for our lives!
How now, my brave and spirited friend;—shall we yet mount and push across the flames; or shall we stand here, and see those we most love perish in this frightful manner without an effort?"
"I am for a swarming-time and a flight before the hive is too hot to hold us," said the bee hunter, to whom it will be at once seen that the half-distracted Middleton had addressed himself.
"Come, old trapper, you must acknowledge this is but a slow way of getting out of danger.