"As the Great Geyser explodes only once in forty hours or more, it was, of course, necessary that we should wait his pleasure—in fact, our movements entirely depended on his.
For the next two or three days, therefore, like pilgrims round an ancient shrine, we patiently kept watch;
but he scarcely deigned to favour us with the slightest manifestation of his latent energies.
Two or three times the cannonading we had heard immediately after our arrival recommenced, and once an eruption to the height of about ten feet occurred;

but so brief was its duration, that by the time we were on the spot, although the tent was not eighty yards distant, all was over.
"At length, after three days' watching in languid expectation of the eruption, our desire was gratified.
A cry from the guides made us start to our feet and rush toward the basin.
The usual underground thunders had already commenced; a violent agitation was disturbing the centre of the pool Suddenly a dome of water lifted itself to the height of eight or ten feet,
then burst and fell; immediately after which a shining liquid column, or rather a sheaf of columns, wreathed in robes of vapour,
sprang about seventy feet into the air, and, in a succession of jerking leaps, each higher than the former, flung their silvery crests against the sky.
For a few minutes the fountain held its own, then all at once it seemed to lose its ascending energy.
The unstable waters faltered, drooped, fell, 'like a broken purpose,' back upon themselves, and were immediately sucked down into the recesses from which they had sprung."