The graceless youth, in less than a quarter of an hour, pulled the old gentleman by the beard, and had liked to have knocked his brains out.
so that meeting the true father, who came toward him with a fit of the gripes, he begged him to take his son again, and give him back his colic,
but they were incapable, either of them, to recede from the choice they had made.
A poor galley slave, who had thrown down his chains, took up the gout in their stead,
but made such wry faces that one might easily perceive he was no great gainer by the bargain.
The female world were very busy among themselves in bartering for features, one was trucking a lock of gray hairs for a carbuncle,
and another was making over a short waist for a pair of round shoulders.
But on all these occasions there was not one of them who did not think the new blemish, as soon as she had got it into her possession,
much more disagreeable than the old one. I must not omit my own particular adventure.
My friend with the long visage had no sooner taken upon him my short face,
but he made such a grotesque figure in it, that as I looked upon him, I could not forbear laughing at myself,
insomuch that I put my own face out of countenance.