Ali Baba and his son, terrified at this action, uttered a loud cry: “Wretch!” exclaimed Ali Baba, “what have you done? You have ruined me and my family forever!”
“What I have done,” replied Morgiana, “is not for your ruin, but for your safety.” Then opening Houssam's robe to show Ali Baba the dagger which was concealed under it, “See,” continued she, “the cruel enemy you had to deal with; examine him, and you will recognize the pretended oil-merchant and the Captain of the forty thieves! Do you now see why he refused to eat salt with you?”

Ali Baba, who now saw all that he owed to Morgiana for having thus saved his life a second time, cried, “Morgiana, I gave you your liberty, and at the same time I promised that I would do more for you at some future time. This time has come, and I present you to my son as his wife.”
A few days after, Ali Baba had the marriage of his son and Morgiana celebrated with great feasting.
After the marriage, Ali Baba decided to visit again the cave of the forty thieves. On reaching it, he repeated the words, “Open Sesame.” At once the door opened, and entering the cave, he found that no one had been in it from the time that Houssam had opened his shop in the city. He therefore knew that the whole troop of thieves had been killed, and that he was the only person in the world who knew the secret of the cave.
From that time Ali Baba and his son, whom he took to the cave and taught the secret of how to enter it, enjoyed its riches and lived in great happiness and comfort to the end of their long lives.