Let them dig down into the bowels of the earth.
Let them rive asunder the massive rocks, and unfold the history of creation as it lies written on the pages of their piled up strata.
Let them gather up the fossil fragments of a lost Fauna, reproducing the ancient forms which inhabited the land or the seas,
bringing them together. bone to his bone, till Leviathan and Behemoth stand before us
in bodily presence and in their full proportions, and we almost tremble lest these dry bones should live again!
Let them put nature to the rack, and torture her, in all her forms, to the betrayal of her inmost secrets and confidences.

They need not forbear. The foundations of the round world have been laid so strong that they can not be moved.
But let them not think by searching to find out God. Let them not dream of understanding the Almighty to perfection.
Let them not dare to apply their tests and solvents, their modes of analysis or their terms of definition, to the secrets of the spiritual kingdom.
Let them spare the foundations of faith. Let them be satisfied with what is revealed of the mysteries of the Divine Nature.
Let them not break through the bounds to gaze after the Invisible.