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愚人节傻瓜April Fool

来源:tingclass 编辑:francie   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Late that afternoon,Kevin came home from soccer practice.When he went in to the den,April was sitting in the rocking chair,staring out of the window.“How did the competition go?”he asked.“Did you win a medal?”April looked up.Her face was red and tear-streaked.“No,I didn't.I didn't even have a chance to compete,” she said in a shaky voice.“What happened?”Kevin asked.“We were late and I was disqualified,thanks to your stupid joke.”April sniffed and tears ran down her cheeks.Kevin stared at her.“What joke?What are you talking about?”Suddenly their mother appeared in the doorway.She looked right at Kevin.“What happened to Mr.Boyer' s message?”she asked holding up a blank note pad.Kevin' s eyes widened in surprise.“I wrote everything down like you told me to,” he said.His mother tapped the blank note pad.“Kevin,there's nothing written here.”She went on quickly.“When I came home and found this,I figured that the competition was at the Y as scheduled.So that's where we went.”“But we were the only ones there,”April interrupted.She glared at Kevin.“By the time we found out the competition had been switched,it was too late.”“Kevin,what happened to Mr.Boyer's message?”his mother asked.Kevin pointed to the note pad she was holding.“When Mr.Boyer phoned,I grabbed that pad and the orange pen that was beside it.I wrote down the message just like I promised I would.”
There was a loud gasp7) from the rocking chair.Kevin and his mother turned to April.April's mouth was a round “O” of surprise.“You used my trick pen,”she spluttered.“What?Trick?Pen?”her mother asked.Each word was a separate question.“I...It's...It looks okay when you write with it.”April stumbled over the words.“But when the ink dries,the writing disappears.I was going to take it to school to play a joke on my teacher.”She shut her eyes.“Me and my dumb jokes.”she wailed.
Kevin looked at his sister.He wanted to say,“Joke's on you,April Fool,”but the words wouldn't come out.Instead he said,“There's another competition next week,isn't there?” April nodded and managed a weak smile.



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