4 不能避免使用启发性的问题。
It is impossible that the use of leading questions be avoided.
[陷阱提示] that the use of leading questions be avoided这个主语从句中的be的由来请参见第三道题中的[陷阱提示] 讲解。
[单词详解] leading 在此句中是“引导性的”“启发性的”意思,可是在牛津词典里是没有这个意思的。那么这个意思是怎么来的呢?有的人把leading直接看做形容词,Juliet是把leading看做是动词lead的现在分词。Lead 是“带路”“领路”的意思。例如:He lead us out into the garden. 他领我们出来进入了花园。那么线面这个句子又是什么意思呢?I tried to lead the discussion back to the main issue. 意思是:我力图把讨论引回到主要问题上。显然这里是“引领,引导”的意思了。别小看这句话哦,这句话在英美文学中是采用了一种修饰方法——figurative [ˈfigjurətiv] 比喻的修饰方法。在“带路,引路”的基本意思上引申出了“引领,引导”的意思。因此leading就有“引导性的”“启发性的”意思了。
[短语翻译] leading questions 引导性的问题,启发性的问题
5 真奇怪竟然有人相信这样莫名奇妙的谣言。
It is surprising that anyone believe such a strange rumour.
[陷阱提示] that anyone believe such a strange rumour这个主语从句中的believe的由来请参见习题2的陷阱提示详解。
[生词详解] rumour [ˈru:mə] (英式书写)rumor [ˈru:mər] ( 美式书写 ) {中英双解} It means " a piece of information , or story , that people talk about , but may be not true ". 译为:谣言,传闻。这个词呀在我们的口语中魔力挺大的。我们来看看吧。{ 用法 } rumour 作为名词是和介词of , about 连用,意思是:......的谣言,......的传闻。例如:Some malicious rumours about his past are circulating[ˈsə:kjuleit] (传播,流传). 有些人别有用心地散布谣言,说他的过去如何如何。“道听途说”怎么表达呢?我们来看一个例句或许能给您一些启示。Many of the stories are based on rumor. 这些说法很多是道听途说的。我们经常说“据说”“听说”,那么rumoure这是就派上用场了:Rumour has it that ....... 这个句式在影视中用得很多很多。Let's look at an example sentence:Rumour has it that he is involved in this crime. 据说他卷入了这桩案件中。“到处都在传某事儿”怎么说呢?可以用rumor, 但是这时它作为动词用,还有用上我们近期所说的主语从句——It is widely rumoured that... For example: It's widely rumoured that she is getting promoted. 到处都在传她升官了。
6 你在这么短的时间内把英语学习这么好,真让人惊奇。
It is surprising that you learn English so well in such a short time.
[ 短语详析 ] in such a short time 在如此短的时间内 我们还有一个词表示如此,是so,那么in so a short time 这样说对吗。不对,如果用so的话,so后面要紧跟形容词,然后在接名词,即:in so short a time.
It is surprising that time fly. Our programme is about to be over. Have you got what I've said in today's morning class? I am sure you are smart and have caught it.
Remember : 这里是可可早间课堂,我是Juliet,如果您对早间课堂的学习有任何疑惑的话,请加入可可早间课堂QQ交流群,群号为:122863543。 我会定时开展免费在线答疑课堂。或者您以邮件形式发到我的邮箱:leinadancing@qq.com 我会尽快为您解答疑惑。
well , it is time to say goodbye to you. Thank you for your listening again. See you next time.