Magnifying glass, calipers, teeny tiny tape measure. These are the weapons with which researchers are fighting it out to find the world’s smallest frog.
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60秒科学:小青蛙,大发现 Tiny Frog Makes Big Claim
时间:2012-02-21 11:22:53 来源:scientificamerican 编辑:beck 每天三分钟英语轻松学
One team just announced the discovery of the on-average 7.7 millimeter Paedophryne amanuensis, which can sit comfortably on a dime. It was discovered in the moist under-layer of New Guinea’s tropical rainforest. The research was published in the journal Public Library of Science One.
The little guy thus ousts another New Guinea frog, which had only claimed the title in December. The newest frog species is also being cited as the world’s smallest vertebrate, although it’s more correctly the smallest free-living vertebrate. A 6.2 millimeter male anglerfish spends its life buried in the body of its mate.
这个小家伙取代了12月份才发现的一种新几内亚青蛙,成为至目前为止发现的世界上最小的青蛙。同时,这种青蛙也是迄今发现的最小的脊椎动物——确切地说,它是独立生长地最小的脊椎动物。 雄性琵琶鱼虽然只有6.2毫米大小,但它的一生都寄居在其配偶的身体上。
Finding the little frog was no small achievement. Besides being tiny, the high-pitched mating calls researchers followed sound more insect than amphibian. [Frog calls.]
这只小青蛙的发现是一项不小的成就。除了具有迷你可爱的身体,研究人员还发现这种青蛙的求爱声更像昆虫的鸣声而非两栖动物的叫声。 (这是这种青蛙的叫声)
Tiny vertebrates reveal changes that make miniaturization possible. For instance, some of the digits on the frogs’ feet have disappeared. And their skulls develop differently than those of larger critters.
So we celebrate the world’s smallest frog and free-living vertebrate. Until the next one is discovered.
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