Mike: Wow! There's so much fresh produce here. Half of it looks like it was growing in the fields this morning.
Amanda: Look at those carrots. They still have mud caked all over them. I wish I could grow stuff, but I've never had much of a green thumb.

Mike: Taiwan's subtropical climate is perfect for cultivating all kinds of fruit and vegetables. You can get things that grow in Europe, like apples and pears, and also more exotic fruits, such as pineapples, bananas and durian. A smorgasbord of delights!
Amanda: Have you set your sights on anything, or shall we just wander around and be spontaneous?
Mike: To be honest, I'm tempted by everything I see. I've never seen so many people hawking their wares. It's not only food that's on offer, there's clothing, flowers, toys, incense, even old-man style vests and pajamas.
Amanda: Look at that guy selling batteries. He's got every single size. Looks like he's cornered the market on that product.
Mike: Maybe if you buy two packets he'll give you one for free. You should practice your bargaining skills if we're going to India next year.
Amanda: I'm too exhausted. Let's just grab some snacks and call it a day.