"You lost me again."[qh]
The breathtaking crooked smile reappeared.[qh]
"I always say too much when I'm talking to you—that's one of the problems."[qh]
"Don't worry—I don't understand any of it," I said wryly.[qh]
"I'm counting on that."[qh]
"So, in plain English, are we friends now?"[qh]
"Friends..." he mused, dubious.[qh]
"Or not," I muttered.[qh]
He grinned. "Well, we can try, I suppose. But I'm warning you now that I'm not a good friend for you."[qh]
Behind his smile, the warning was real.[qh]
"You say that a lot," I noted, trying to ignore the sudden trembling in my stomach and keep my voice even.[qh]
"Yes, because you're not listening to me. I'm still waiting for you to believe it. If you're smart, you'll avoid me."[qh]
"I think you've made your opinion on the subject of my intellect clear, too."[qh]
My eyes narrowed. He smiled apologetically.[qh]
"So, as long as I'm being... not smart, we'll try to be friends?" I struggled to sum up the confusing exchange.[qh]
"That sounds about right."[qh]
I looked down at my hands wrapped around the lemonade bottle, not sure what to do now.[qh]
"What are you thinking?" he asked curiously.[qh]