They're laid so close to the anemone they will be safe.
产卵的地方很靠近海葵 所以安全无虞
And for the next seven days they'll receive constant care...
..much of which is provided by the male.
His seemingly obsessive concern for the eggs is for good reason.
它对鱼卵看似过度担忧 其实有充分的理由
His position in the anemone is far from secure.
它在海葵里的地位 一点也不稳固
The female watches his every move,
she's in charge here and if his efforts don't match up
to her standards, she'll get rid of him.
要是它认为公鱼的努力不够 就把它一脚踢开
In line to take over are a host of immature clown fish...
一大群不成熟的小丑鱼 排队等着取而代之
..each waiting to move up the hierarchy.
For the male the best way to stay in the female's favour
公鱼要继续讨母鱼欢心 最好的办法
is by lavishing care on the eggs.
So he focuses all his efforts on keeping them clean and healthy.
它用全副心力 保持鱼卵的洁净和健康
The eggs grow rapidly and soon their tiny beating hearts are visible.
鱼卵迅速长大 很快就能看见小小的心脏
It seems he's done a good job.