Dressing for success. Fashion upstart Jason Wu style continue to rise.
CHARLES HODSON, CNN ANCHOR: One year ago he burst onto the fashion scene, catapulted to stardom by one famous dress. Today, the designer Jason Wu is fresh from showing his latest collection at New York Fashion Week. Alina Cho spoke to him about a stellar year and how he's expanding his brand.
CNN主播 查尔斯·霍德森:一年前他闯进时尚圈一炮而红,他以一件出色的女装一战成名,现在吴季刚才刚刚在纽约时尚周推出最新系列,爱丽娜·秋和他谈到了成名的一年,还有他要如何拓展他的品牌。
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The carpet was pink but the ticket red hot. The show: Jason Wu.
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:地毯虽然是粉红色,但是入场券可是红得发烫呢。节目主角:吴季刚。
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: Five years ago, it was a rack of clothes and Jason Wu, the person, you know? And now it's about Jason Wu the brand.
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The brand got the boost fashion designers dream of when First Lady Michelle Obama wore Wu's one-shoulder gown on inauguration night. That made this Taiwanese-born 27-year-old an overnight star. In the 13 months since then...
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:这个服饰品牌得到时尚设计师们梦想得到的帮助。第一夫人米歇尔在就职晚宴上穿着吴季刚设计的单肩礼服,让出生于台湾省、当时27岁的吴季刚一夜之间成为明星,13个月过去后……
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: Well, I mean, it's been really crazy. I've been offered reality shows. I've been offered, you know, all sorts of product endorsements.
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: But Wu, always mindful about not growing his company too fast, said no.
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:但是一直都小心谨慎不愿让公司成长太快的吴季刚都拒绝了。
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: This is a feather-covered, encased-in-silk-tulle dress.
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: What he has done is move into a 9,000-square foot studio, more than four times the size of his old one. They're gonna have to name the building after you?
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:他换到一家9000平方英尺的工作室,这是他以前的工作室的4倍大。他们会以你的名字来为这栋大楼命名?
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: Well, I was told that if I take over another floor, it would be named after me. So, you know I'm working on that in the next couple of years.
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Expanding the brand beyond clothes-sunglasses, shoes come next. He's even designing cameras for General Electric. Do you ever worry about spreading yourself too thin?
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:将该品牌拓展到服饰以外的领域——太阳镜、鞋子随后推出。他还曾经帮通用电气公司设计过相机。你曾经担心过拓展不足吗?
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: I think there's always worry-you know, am I doing too much or am I doing too little or am I doing just enough. And, you know, the challenge is-you know I've always gone with my gut feeling on certain things and, you know I go for it.
CINDI LEIVE, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, GLAMOUR MAGAZINE: What he got at the inaugural ball was an incredible moment, a real chance, but it was his to make something of it or to squander. And I think he's really built on it in an intelligent way.
《魅力》杂志主编 辛迪·雷夫:就职晚宴给了他让人难以置信的时刻,一个真正的机会,但是决定把握住还是浪费掉这个机会的人是他自己,而我认为他用了很聪明的方式来利用这个机会。
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: But he has taken his knocks. The New York Times said of your collection, the evening dresses were one of those weird runway surprises that make you look down at the floor. Fair?
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:但他也有运气不好的时候。《纽约时报》说在你的系列中,晚礼服是展台上让人惊讶的怪异作品,让你抬不起头来,这样说公平吗?
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: Well, I think opinions are opinions. And I think when you put your art... your work out there, and you're going to have people who like it [and] who will dislike it. This is fashion.
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The whirlwind, as he calls it, has taught him to stay grounded.
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:他口中所谓的旋风教会他要忠于自己、脚踏实地。
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: You know, I was in the airport and this group of Chinese kids came up to me and they... they were like, you know, I'm really proud because you are an m Asian designer who is doing something that isn't traditionally acceptable and, you know, stood your ground and did it.
ALINA CHO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Inspiring the next generation, even as he continues to live in the moment. But you're still nervous, aren't you?
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:即使在舞台上,他还是在启发下一代。但你还是很紧张吧,不是吗?
JASON WU, FASHION DESIGNER: Oh, I'm always nervous. It's like that piano recital-and I used to play the piano-and it's like right before and just hope you don't make a mistake.
CNN特派员 爱丽娜·秋:我也希望。