Contemporary Dance How-To
Hi, my name is Eric Wilkerson, but my friends call me Contemporary Eric. Today, I'm gonna teach you how to do a contemporary dance. There are 15 moves that are in every contemporary dance. You can put these steps together in any sequence to songs such as Adele, Ani DiFranco, and Frou Frou, and you too can be a contemporary choreographer.
嗨,我的名字是Eric Wilkerson,但我的朋友们叫我现代艾瑞克。今天,我要教你怎么跳现代舞。每套现代舞中有十五个动作。你可以将这些舞步组合以任何顺序组合在一起,配上像是Adele、Ani DiFranco(美国歌手)、和Frou Frou(英国乐团)的歌,你也可以成为一名现代舞编舞者。
Okay. Now let's get started on learning the 15 steps.

1. The Knee
1. 膝盖
Where you have a very serious conversation with your knee, and then you put it down because you realize you shouldn't be doing that.
2. The Pants
2. 裤裤
Where you pull your pants down, and then you pull them back up really quickly because people are noticing.
3. The Zombie with Emotion
3. 有感情的僵尸
4. The "I Just Came out of a Well"
4. 我才刚从井爬出来
Where you use sign language to tell someone that you just come out of a well and you need help.
5. The Brat
5. 小屁孩
Where you act like you're kicking a fire hydrant and then you check to see if anyone notices that you're mad.
6. The Blind Man
6. 盲人
Where you pretend you're a blind man playing volleyball, but you don't know when the volleyball is coming.
7. The Pewp
7. 便便
Where you squat down because you have to poop, but then when it comes it surprises you, so you have to really cool afterward.
8. The Elbowless Hug
8. 没有手肘的拥抱
Where you reach out to give someone a hug as though you don't have any elbows.
9. The Bounce
9. 跳跳
Where you bounce on your heels to keep yourself from crying because you're having a really really bad day.
10. The "This is Your Head"
10. 这是你的头
11. The "Seriously Get Your Damn Hands off of Me"
11. 我说真的把你的脏手拿开
As you can see.
12. The Peekaboo
12. 躲猫猫
Where you get the audience a quick look at your "Whoala ha!"
13. The Leg
13. 腿腿
Where you run and jump into a split leap, but then you realize that your right leg was amputated from the knee down, so as you fall, you reach out to the audience for help. And when you get up, you realize that you need to stretch your hip flexor really really bad.
14. The Magnet
14. 磁铁
Where all of a sudden your underwear becomes the magnet for someone's chest.
15. The "Why is Your Head in My Hand?"
15. 为何你的头在我手上?
As you can see.
And every number always finishes with one other move. It's called—Go to Sleep, Bich.
Now watch as me and my assistant put these moves together to make a routine. We'll put this routine to music and add emotion.
And that's how you do contemporary dance. You can download this song from iTunes in the link below, then you can do your own contemporary dance using the contemporary dance steps. Post links to your video in the comment below, and I'll give feedback.
Thanks for watching. Love, Contemporary Eric.
Can I get up?