At Issyk Kul, a pandemic begins.One of the first recorded victims, Kutluk.
在伊塞克湖 一场疫病爆发了 记录在案的第一位患者叫库特卢克
Married, Christian, doomed.His wife's folk remedies have no effect.
是一位已婚的基督教徒 在劫难逃 他妻子的偏方并没什么疗效
and he has these big blue blisters, he feels ill.
长出这些青紫色的大水疱 身体不适
Is it from the air? Is it from the water he drank?
Is it some foreign animal inside?What's going on?
或是体内有某些不明生物? 到底发生了什么?
You're completely confused.Bacteria rush through Kutluk's bloodstream.
你完全束手无策 细菌在库特卢克血液里穿行
They outwit his immune system and spread relentlessly,
它们瞒骗过他的免疫系统 无情地扩散
Distorting and swelling his glands.His skin erupts in giant puss-filled sores,Buboes.
使他的腺体扭曲肿大 他的皮肤突然长出巨大的脓疡 这是腹股沟淋巴结炎
Bubonic plague.Passed on by an almost invisible carrier...The flea.
黑死病(鼠疫) 它通过几近无法看见的载体传播 那就是跳蚤
Its staple diet is blood.When it bites, it vomits plague bacteria into the bloodstream.
它们以血液为食 叮咬时会向血液里注入鼠疫杆菌