This is Why This One is Hard, by Liz
In my life, I have had two men tell me that they had slept with someone else, in the beginning stages of our relationship.
(In one case, it came to me in a dream, literally, and I confronted him. That really freaked him out. )
Anyway, both times what I got from it was that these men wanted me to know that they could never be trusted.
They were barely in the relationship and had already pulled the escape hatch.
The beginning of two people getting together is such a fragile, tender time.
There's nothing like a big pail of Sleeping with Someone Else to put out the fires of a budding relationship.
I personally would never be able to overcome that.
So this isn't really a tough one for me.
Now, if I use my imagination, I could see that in the beginning, the lines are not that clearly drawn, the rules aren't that firmly in place yet.
Maybe it is the last fling before the final commitment.
If it's early in the relationship, it can be hard to know if the guy is just getting something out of his system and it's a one-time thing, or if it's a guy who's just a big jerk.
That's the thing about dating—you're having intimate experiences with someone who, at the end of the day, you don't know very well.
You don't know his personal code of honor, you don't have his dating rap sheet.
You have to go by instinct, how much you care about him, and what he has to say for himself about it.
All I can think is, how sad to be having that conversation in the beginning of things, when everything is supposed to be cozy and snugly and people are usually on their best behavior.
If nothing else, I wish better for us all. I really do.