But Venice is a magnet for the disadvantaged,Lured by its wealth.
但威尼斯对弱势群体而言 是一块磁铁 他们被它源源不断的财富所吸引
Enrico...An unemployed migrant, hungry and tempted.
恩里科 一个无业流浪者 饥肠辘辘 禁不住引诱
340 ducats, over 2lbs of gold.
340枚金币 超过两磅重的黄金
Pietro Venier has no choice, he must catch him.
皮埃特罗·维涅尔别无选择 必须得抓住他
When the trust in the banker disappears,the banker's future has disappeared.
当人们对银行家没有了信任 银行家也就没有了未来
His word doesn't count for anything,
his promises don't count,and if your promises don't count,
他的承诺亦是如此 如果你的承诺一文不值
you're out of business.The authorities hang Enrico.
商业圈就没有你的立足之地 当局者判处恩里科绞刑
There's no mercy for thieves in Venice.
在威尼斯 对小偷是没有任何同情可言的
It's men like Pietro Venier who'll finance...The renaissance.
因为是像皮埃特罗·维涅尔这样的人 在提供金融服务 文艺复兴
The greatest flourishing of learning and culture Mankind has ever known.
是人类前所未知的 学术和文化繁盛的巅峰