The Viking histories record:"They killed eight Innu."
维京人的史书中记载如下 他们杀了八个土著人
Exhausted, they made camp.
筋疲力尽 就地安营扎寨
"Suddenly they were startled by the sound of a cry above them."
Thorvald Eriksson,The first European to die on American soil.
索福尔德·埃里克森 成为第一个长眠于美洲大地的欧洲人
It will be 500 years Before another European sets foot in the new world.
时隔五百年之久 才有欧洲探险家再次登临这块新大陆
In the Americas, no iron tools or horses.No wheeled vehicles.
美洲大陆上 没有铁器 没有马匹 没有轮式交通工具
Yet America's people engineer great monuments
Thousands of years before the Egyptians.
They map the stars with as much accuracy
他们绘制星图 其准确度不亚于
As any astronomer in Europe.
And high on a mountain lake in Mexico,
They build one of the greatest cities on the planet:
Tenochtitlan, capital of the Aztec Empire.
特诺奇蒂特兰城 阿兹特克帝国的都城
Larger than London, Paris or Rome.
辖下总面积远超伦敦 巴黎与罗马
At its heart,a stone temple 100 feet high...
城市中心地带 一座一百英尺高的石庙拔地而起
where sky, earth and underworld meet.
俨然一处天堂 人间与地狱的交汇之地
The centre of a civilization dedicated to human blood.