We are many.We create different worlds.
我们支脉庞杂 我们缔造出多种多样的地域文明
But mankind shares the same desires.
Now the riches of a new world pour out across the planet,
如今 随着新大陆的滚滚财富播散到世界各地
Creating new desires,New wealth and new conflicts,
人类掀开催生新欲望 创造新财富 激发新冲突的新浪潮
That will give birth to a connected world.
借着这股浪潮 "互联世界"应运而生
Amidst the chaos of an unforgiving planet,Most species will fail.
这颗星球残酷无情 在无数混乱中 大多数物种将会在劫难逃
But for one, all the pieces will fall into place,
但有一个物种 却有条不紊地进化着
And a set of keys will unlock a path for mankind to triumph.
This is our story, the story of all of us.
这就是我们的故事 我们所有人的故事
1579, the Pacific Ocean,Off the coast of South America.
公元1579年 太平洋 南美洲近海
A ship on a mission that launches a new age of piracy.
Small, fast,armed with 18 cannons.
"仇掠船只"船体轻巧 航速快捷 船体搭载十八架火炮
At the helm, an Englishman: Francis Drake.