Nothing works better than deception.
If you can do the unexpected,if you can set up your enemy
如果能出其不意 如果能迷惑敌方
so they think one thing while you do another thing,
就可以明修栈道 暗渡陈仓
you're gonna gain an advantage on the battlefield.
But Drake can't risk an all-out attack.
但是德雷克不敢放手一搏 倾力攻击
Instead of going to flat-out war with another vessel,
where he takes the chance of sinking that vessel
or having his vessel sank,he wants to get as close as possible,
就是我亡的风险 取而代之 他图谋尽量靠近敌船
so that he can seize that vessel whole.
His plan: a surgical strike from close quarters,
To take out the Spanish galleon's main mast.
Success on the battlefield, whether it's land or sea,
要想夺取战争的胜利 无论是陆战还是海战
is all about stacking the right advantage
in your favor at the right time,
积累有利条件 以期为己所用
so when the moment comes, you execute perfectly.
这样等时机来临时 便能轻取完胜
Fire!Two cannon balls chained together...smash through the mast.
开火! 两粒炮弹通过铁链相连 击穿主桅
Now she couldn't flee even if she tried.She was incapacitated.
中弹后无论再怎么努力 残舰都无法逃脱 它已丧失航行能力