It's So Simple
The reason it's so painful when someone disappears is you have to face the fact that the person you loved had probably left you a long time before he grabbed his coat and scrammed.
The hard part is realizing that he was lying to you, in some way, before the moment of vanishing.
Don't ask yourself what you did wrong or how you could have done it differently.
Don't waste your valuable heart and mind trying to figure out why he did what he did, or thinking back on all the things he said, and wondering what was the truth and what was a lie.
The only thing you need to know is that it's really good news: He's gone. Hallelujah. See ya in the funny papers, yellow-belly!
Here's Why This One is Hard, by Liz
Oh, for Pete's sake. This one is impossible. He disappeared.
He just stopped calling you or writing you or seeing you out of the blue.
You were in what you considered some sort of "relationship."
You felt that whatever you had together warranted even the tiniest explanation if one of you decided to call it quits.
But instead, there's silence. No explanation, no good-bye. Just a vanishing.
There's nothing worse, in dating terms, nothing worse, than that sick feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when it looks like the guy you were seeing or getting to know has decided to bail on you instead of talking to you about it. Nothing worse.
So first you feel hurt. But then you feel helpless, completely and totally helpless.
He just disappeared, making you feel like you had absolutely no value or meaning to him whatsoever.
And you might be shocked, too. He might not have ever behaved this way before.
So now you're also unbelievably disappointed. "Really? Now I have to not like him? Now I have to think he's a jerk?
That's what this relationship added up to? There's got to be some kind of reasonable explanation."
So then you start giving this great guy a big heap of your time and energy, making up excuses for why he's disappeared (he's busy, he's busy...and maybe he's busy) , still hoping that he will come to his senses and at least drop you an e-mail.
You then start going through everything you said, did, or wrote that might have driven him away.
What was the thing you said that was so inappropriate or needy, that he had no other recourse than to head for the hills?
You blame yourself for some perceived strategic misstep.