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美丽新世界Brave New World(MP3+中英字幕) 第11章(3)

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  • "No, we can't rejuvenate. But I'm very glad," Dr. Shaw had concluded,
  • “是的,我们没有办法返老还童。但是我很高兴。”萧大夫下了结论,
  • to have had this opportunity to see an example of senility in a human being.
  • 有了这个机会看到了人类衰老的标本。
  • Thank you so much for calling me in. He shook Bernard warmly by the hand.
  • 非常感谢你找了我来。他跟伯纳热烈地握手。
  • It was John, then, they were all after.
  • 于是人们以后所关注的就只有约翰了。
  • And as it was only through Bernard, his accredited guardian, that John could be seen, Bernard now found himself,
  • 由于只能够通过公认的监护人伯纳才能见到约翰,
  • for the first time in his life, treated not merely normally,
  • 伯纳现在才平生第一次发现自己不但受到正常的对待,
  • but as a person of outstanding importance.
  • 而且成了一个风云人物。
  • There was no more talk of the alcohol in his blood-surrogate, no gibes at his personal appearance.
  • 人们再也不谈论他代血剂里的酒精了,也不再嘲笑他的外表了。
  • Henry Foster went out of his way to be friendly;
  • 亨利.福斯特一改常态,对他亲切了起来。
  • Benito Hoover made him a present of six packets of sex-hormone chewing-gum;
  • 本尼托.胡佛送给了他一份礼物,六包性激素口香糖。
  • the Assistant Predestinator came out and cadged almost abjectly for an invitation to one of Bernard's evening parties.
  • 命运预定局局长助理也一反常态,几乎卑躬屈节地要求伯纳邀请他去参加他的晚会。
  • As for the women, Bernard had only to hint at the possibility of an invitation,
  • 至于女人嘛,只要伯纳有一点邀请的暗示,
  • and he could have whichever of them he liked.
  • 谁都可以让他上手。
  • "Bernard's asked me to meet the Savage next Wednesday," Fanny announced triumphantly.
  • “伯纳邀请我下星期三去跟野人见面呢。”范尼得意地宣布。
  • "I'm so glad," said Lenina.
  • “我很高兴,”列宁娜说,
  • And now you must admit that you were wrong about Bernard.
  • 现在你得承认你对伯纳的看法是错的了。
  • Don't you think he's really rather sweet?
  • 你不觉得他相当可爱吗?
  • Fanny nodded. "And I must say," she said, "I was quite agreeably surprised."
  • 范尼点点头。“而且我还要说,”她说道,“我感到惊讶,却愉快”
  • The Chief Bottler, the Director of Predestination, three Deputy Assistant Fertilizer-Generals,
  • 装瓶车间主任、命运预定主任和授精司长的三位助理,
  • the Professor of Feelies in the College of Emotional Engineering, the Dean of the Westminster Community Singery, the Supervisor of Bokanovskification–the list of Bernard's notabilities was interminable.
  • 情感工程学院的感官片教授、西敏寺社区歌咏大厅经理板块诺夫斯基化监督——伯纳的要人名单没有个完。
  • "And I had six girls last week," he confided to Helmholtz Watson.
  • “这一周我到手了六个姑娘,”他对赫姆霍尔兹.华生说体已话。
  • One on Monday, two on Tuesday, two more on Friday, and one on Saturday.
  • 星期—一个,星期三两个,星期五加了两个,星期六加了一个。
  • And if I'd had the time or the inclination, there were at least a dozen more who were only too anxious …"
  • 我要是有时间或是有兴趣的话,至少还有十二个姑娘迫不及待想要……。
  • Helmholtz listened to his boastings in a silence so gloomily disapproving that Bernard was offended.
  • 赫姆霍尔兹阴沉着脸,不以为然地听他吹嘘,一声不响。伯纳生气了。
  • "You're envious," he said.
  • “你妒忌了?”他说。
  • Helmholtz shook his head. "I'm rather sad, that's all," he answered.
  • 赫姆霍尔兹摇摇头。“我感到有点悲哀,如此而已。”他说。
  • Bernard went off in a huff. Never, he told himself, never would he speak to Helmholtz again.
  • 伯纳怒气冲冲地走掉了。以后我再也不跟赫姆霍尔兹说话了,他对自己说。


"No, we can't rejuvenate. But I'm very glad," Dr. Shaw had concluded, to have had this opportunity to see an example of senility in a human being.


Thank you so much for calling me in. He shook Bernard warmly by the hand.


It was John, then, they were all after.


And as it was only through Bernard, his accredited guardian, that John could be seen, Bernard now found himself,


for the first time in his life, treated not merely normally, but as a person of outstanding importance.



There was no more talk of the alcohol in his blood-surrogate, no gibes at his personal appearance.


Henry Foster went out of his way to be friendly; Benito Hoover made him a present of six packets of sex-hormone chewing-gum; the Assistant Predestinator came out and cadged almost abjectly for an invitation to one of Bernard's evening parties.


As for the women, Bernard had only to hint at the possibility of an invitation, and he could have whichever of them he liked.


"Bernard's asked me to meet the Savage next Wednesday," Fanny announced triumphantly.


"I'm so glad," said Lenina.


And now you must admit that you were wrong about Bernard.


Don't you think he's really rather sweet?


Fanny nodded. "And I must say," she said, "I was quite agreeably surprised."


The Chief Bottler, the Director of Predestination, three Deputy Assistant Fertilizer-Generals, the Professor of Feelies in the College of Emotional Engineering, the Dean of the Westminster Community Singery, the Supervisor of Bokanovskificationthe list of Bernard's notabilities was interminable.


"And I had six girls last week," he confided to Helmholtz Watson.


One on Monday, two on Tuesday, two more on Friday, and one on Saturday.


And if I'd had the time or the inclination, there were at least a dozen more who were only too anxious …"


Helmholtz listened to his boastings in a silence so gloomily disapproving that Bernard was offended.


"You're envious," he said.


Helmholtz shook his head. "I'm rather sad, that's all," he answered.


Bernard went off in a huff. Never, he told himself, never would he speak to Helmholtz again.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

interminable [in'tə:minəbl]


adj. 无限的,冗长的

invitation [.invi'teiʃən]


n. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致

hint [hint]


n. 暗示
v. 暗示,示意

alcohol ['ælkəhɔl]


n. 酒精,乙醇,酒

inclination [.inkli'neiʃən]


n. 倾向,意愿,倾斜度

envious ['enviəs]


adj. 嫉妒的
adj. [古]好胜的,羡慕

emotional [i'məuʃənl]


adj. 感情的,情绪的

announced [ə'naunst]



guardian ['gɑ:diən]


n. 保护人,监护人





