All you can really say is that the universe is because it's a self-consistent mathematical structure.
你所能说的是创世者存在于宇宙之中 因为它是一个独立的数学结构
There's no past because,unlike the creation-as-a-point scenario there's nothing for it to be created in.
它没有过去的 因为它不像一个点被创造出来这样的设想 对于宇宙来说 没有什么被创造
So to say it's created from nothing is a bit of a misnomer.It's a misleading use of the word "nothing."
所以说 创造于虚无之中的说法有点欠妥 "虚无"这个词的用法会令人误解
it's not just that there was empty space in which the universe appeared,which you might call "nothing."
宇宙表现出的并不是空间的虚无 你可能把这称之为"虚无"
There was really nothing at all,because there wasn't even a creation event.
宇宙里确实什么都没有 因为连创造都没有
The use of a past tense in a verb becomes inappropriate in these theories.
Unfortunately,tenses were set up when people believed in real time, of course
不幸的是 当人们支持实时间 时态就被创造了
and we don't yet have a linguistic form to describe tenses in imaginary time.
至今我们都没有一种语言形式 来描述虚时间的时态
The word "time" was not handed down from heaven as a gift from on high.
"时间"这个词 可不是作为 礼物从天堂那流传下来的
The idea of time is a word invented by man and if it has puzzlements connected with it whose fault is it? It's our fault.
时间的概念 只是个被人类发明的词 如果它让人产生疑惑 这是谁的错 我们的错
Where does the difference between the past and the future come from?
过去与未来 有着什么不同
The laws of science do not distinguish between the past and the future.
科学法则 没法区分过去与未来
Yet there is a big difference between the past and future in ordinary life.
但在日常生活中 过去与未来有着巨大的差别
You may see a cup of tea fall off a table and break into pieces on the floor
你能看到茶杯 从桌子上跌到地上 摔成碎片
but you will never see the cup gather itself back together and jump back on the table.
但你从没见过杯子能自己合好 然后跳回桌子上
The increase of disorder, or entropy is what distinguishes the past from the future giving a direction to time.
混乱或者熵的增加 可以区分过去和未来 给出时间的方向