These guys are just freakin' fast.Is there any way to make this a fair fight?Jump out and swim.
划的太他妈快了 怎样才能让这比赛公平些? 跳船游泳过去
I think we'd have to jump out and drown.Well, you could row forward and I could row backward.
不如我们跳船沉到湖底算了 要不你往前划我往后划
We're genetically identical.Science says we'd stay in one place.Just row the damn boat.You guys hear about this? What?
我们是双胞胎,要同进同退 划你的船吧 听说了吗? 什么?
Two nights ago, a sophomore choked the network from a laptop at Kirkland.Really? At 4:00 a.m.How?
两天前,柯克兰的一个二年级学生用一台笔记本冲垮了学校的网路 是吗? 凌晨4点 怎么会?
He set up a website where you voteon the hotness of female undergrads.
What were we doing that none of us heard about this?I don't know.
我们在干嘛,怎么一点都不知道 不知道
A three-hour low-ratetechnical row before break fast.Full course load. Studying.
早餐前3小时低强度划船训练 课程排的很满,在学习
Another three hours in the tank and then studying.I'm not sure how we missed it.
模拟划船3小时,然后再学习 说不清那个时候在干什么
How much activity was there on this thing?Twenty-two thousand page requests.Twenty-two thousand?
一共有多少点击率? 22000次 22000?
Cam, this guy hacked the facebook of seven houses.He set up the whole website in one night,and he did it while he was drunk.Twenty-two thousand?
卡梅伦,这家伙黑了7个宿舍的同学录 他一夜之间就完成了整个面挑网搭建还是在喝醉的状态下22000?
Well, how do you know he was drunk? He was blogging simultaneously.You know what I think? Way ahead of you.
你怎么知道他喝醉了? 他在博客上直播了整个过程 知道我在想什么吗? 早就想到了
This is our guy.Cameron Winklevoss.W-I-N-K-L-E-V-O-S-S "Cameron" spelled the usual way.Tyler Winklevoss.
这就是我们要找的人 卡梅伦文克莱沃斯 W-I-N-K-L-E-V-O-S-S.卡梅伦是常规拼法 泰勒文克莱沃斯
Tyler spelled the usual way, and my last name is the same as my brother's.Mr. Zuckerberg, this is an Administrative Board hearing.
泰勒是常规拼法,姓氏和我哥哥一样 扎克伯格先生,校委听证会现在开始
You're being accused of intentionally breaching security,violating copyrights,violating individual privacy by creating the website
你的面挑网 涉嫌故意妨碍公共安全 侵犯版权,侵犯个人隐私