London, 1928.This war is over and Fleming is a civilian doctor
1928年 在伦敦 这场战争结束了 弗莱明成为了一名
working in a hospital laboratory,testing samples of infected tissue.
在医院实验室工作的平民医生 他的工作就是检测感染的组织样本
After so many dead-ends, the ultimate chance discovery:A sample, left open for two weeks, is contaminated.
走过无数死胡同后 最终伟大的发现问世了: 一个暴露两周的样本被污染了
Inside, a fungus is growing,producing a substance which stops bacteria in their tracks.
而其内部 真菌滋生 并产生了一种能够抑制细菌的物质
Instead of multiplying, microbes rupture and die.That substance: penicillin.
细菌没有成倍增长 反而破裂 继而死亡 这种物质就是青霉素
When I woke up just after dawn,I didn't plan to revolutionize all medicine,
那天清晨我醒来时 并没打算发起一次医学革命
but I suppose that's exactly what I've done!
但阴差阳错 事实确实如此!"
Within 15 years, penicillin saves one million lives a year,
十五年间 青霉素每年挽救了一百万人的性命
A miracle drug,The world's first antibiotic.
它是灵丹妙药 是世界上第一种抗生素
Today, we make 45,000 tons of it every year.
而今天 我们每年会生产出四万五千吨青霉素
Imagine a world before antibiotics,before Fleming's invention.
想象一下在弗莱明的发明出现之前 没有抗生素的世界吧
A world where moms feared for their child's lives,because so many were lost.
在那个世界里 母亲时刻担心孩子的性命 因为太多人因此而命丧黄泉
One out of every three people who could hear my voice right now and see my face would be dead,
每三人中就有一人 刚刚还在听我说话 看着我 转眼就会死去
if it wasn't for the antibiotics that Fleming first invented.
而弗莱明的发明拯救了世界 阻止了这一切
Medicine for millions in a world shaped by mass production.
百万人的良药 在世界范围内大批量生产
From the first industrial war,mankind exploded into the modern world.
自第一次工业革命以来 人类就迈入现代社会
Innovation in overdrive.Life and death at unprecedented scale and speed.
灵感层出不穷 生与死的进程也在空前加速
But now, we have the power to obliterate our species...or change it forever.
而如今 我们有能力戕杀同类 也有能力让其永远改变