We rise above nature,
tame the frontiers of our planet.
Now, we harness the force of the universe,
如今 我们利用整个宇宙
claiming powers that could destroy us.
But still we fight for freedom, truth, new beginnings,
然而我们仍在为自由 真理和新生而战
as mankind turns towards the frontiers of the future.
Amidst the chaos of an unforgiving planet,
这颗星球残酷无情 在无数混乱中
most species will fail.
But for one, all the pieces will fall into place,
但有一个物种 却有条不紊地进化着
and a set of keys will unlock a path for mankind to triumph.
This is our story, the story of all of us.
这就是我们的故事 我们所有人的故事
Today, over 7 billion humans on planet earth.
今天 有超过七十亿的人类居住在地球上
In just four generations,our population has grown by 5 billion.
短短四代 人口就增加了五十个亿
faster in the first 50 years of the 20th century than the previous 50,000.
仅二十世纪前五十年里的人口增长数量 就超过了以往的五万年
And as mankind expands in an ever more crowded world,
随着人口不断膨胀 世界变得拥挤不堪
we face the ultimate challenge of using the power of the planet to propel us into the future.
如何利用地球能源带领我们迈向未来 成为人类面临的终极挑战