It's an extraordinary book about the history of Jerusalem.
A huge topic involving three of the major religions of the world.
and Jim is adept at describing that extraordinarily complex history. He's also a distinguished Scholar in Residence; a permanent member of the faculty at Suffolk University.
We're really proud to have him on our faculty. I give you Jim Carol.
Jim Carroll:Good evening ladies and gentlemen. What a great pleasure to welcome you. It honors me to do so.

I want to acknowledge Ken Greenberg and Paula Matthews, Suffolk and the Athenaeum for this quite important tradition of ongoing collaborative forums.
And in this set of conversations; the Athenaeum and Suffolk have lifted up one of the most important questions of our time, which is the meaning of immigration; civil discourse on the subject of immigration.
We've had previous sessions on immigration in Boston and the children of immigrants and today it's our pleasure to sit with two of the people who have actually changed the way in which people in the United States of America understand the question of immigration, immigrants and the life of immigrants in the life of America.
Some years ago, Samuel Huntington published a book called: Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity.