And if you read that book and in fact if you listen to much of the conversation around the question of immigration you immediately understand that the meaning of the word "we" is restricted. Who are "we"?
And Samuel Huntington's book gave elegant expression to a kind of low grade social panic that has taken hold in the dominant,
mainly Anglo, mainly white-European culture of the United States of America.
The tension between Anglo-America and other immigrant groups who have come to this country over the last three hundred years in relationship,
in a particular way, to the people who proceeded Europeans here and in relationship to the Africans who came and who's labor built this country.

Anglo-America has been in a crisis of identity, low grade and simmering, for more than a century.
And it is rising to a fever pitch now as much of the debate about immigration, immigrants and the laws being passed and being considered indicate.
Well, Maxine Hong Kingston and Gish Jen have made extremely clear with their eloquent writing and voices
that America always was and still is more than ever, an immigrant nation.
In 1925 legislation was passed expressly aiming to restrict the immigration of Asians to this country
and restrictive quotas held sway until 1965, with an immigration reform act.
We understand that the arrivals of new peoples into this country has led to a demographic tipping point.