To Realize Your Dream at Yale
Dare you dream to pursue your study for a master's degree in one of the distinguished university abroad as Yale one day? Are you still just daydreaming? Why not stop daydreaming and take the challenge and try your luck to apply for a degree there?
Yale has matured into one of the world's great universities. To study at such a university as Yale is always the dream of thousands of elite. Open as Yale, it welcomes students all over the world to pursue their dreams there.
"As Yale enters its fourth century, our goal is to become a truly global university一 educating leaders and advancing the frontiers of knowledge not simply for the United States, but for the entire world." This is a speech delivered by the present president of Yale University-Richard C. Levin which best demonstrates its openness. Yale is proud of the growing complement of international students studying on campus who increase the diversity and vitality of Yale. Talented as you are, I'm sure you can't wait to get yourself well prepared for this academic travel to Yale. Now please follow us to equip yourself with the necessary application material.
"耶鲁已经走过了 300多年的历程,我们的目标是将其建设成一所真正的国际化大学--不仅仅只为美国,同时也为全世界培养领导者,并拓展知识的疆域。"这是耶鲁大学的现任校长--理查德·莱文的一段讲话,很好地诠释了耶鲁的开放精神。耶鲁也因其逐年增长的国际学生人数而感到骄傲,他们使得校园多样化并为其增添了活力。了解了这么多,我猜想如你一般的人才一定已经迫不及待地想开启一趟耶鲁学术之旅了吧!那就赶快跟随我们一道来看看你都需要哪些申请材料吧!

Material needed for application for a master degree is a bit different from those required for a bachelor degree: Firstly, a 500 to 1000-word personal statement of purpose should be prepared in advance. The statement concerns your past work, preparation for the intended field of study, relevant background and interests, academic plans,and career. It should be used to describe your reasons for applying to the particular Yale department or program. This statement may assist the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study.
Secondly, recommendations by your recommenders are required. It is highly advised that you ask for high influential figures in your research area to do you a favor. Their approval would be a credit to you.
Thirdly, a transcript or academic record which keeps a record of your scores on all the subjects at university is required. As it will give the school officials who are responsible for your admission a hint, they can judge your potentials in your interest field from your previous experiences.
Finally come the standardized examinations. We have Graduate Record Examination (GRE),Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and International English Language Test System (IELTS) available ^ for your choice. And one of them is required for most cases. There is no preference on them. Your choice of which to take should totally be based upon the requirement of the department you are applying for.
Now since we have familiarized you with the credentials, why not take actions at once and get yourself well prepared to realize you dream at Yale?
现在既然你已经了解了申请所需的全部材料,何不马上采取行动, 做好一切准备去圆梦耶鲁呢?