"Shopping" for the Class-But Not Totally at Your Pleasure
Yale has a unique style in her educational system which is known as the "shopping period". It is Yale's course selection period during the first two weeks of classes which allows you to participate in courses that interest you without enrolling in them right away. By way of such "shopping period",you get to know the essence of a subject whose course title sounds attractive; you get to find where your lifelong research interest lies.
耶鲁的教育体系有其别具一格的一面,那就是她的"试听阶段"。所谓的"选课试听阶段"指的是新学期伊始前两周的试听课阶段,这时你可以选择去试听自己感兴趣的课程, 而不用马上做出决定最终是否选修这门课程。通过这个独特的"试听阶段",你开始真正了解一门课程名称很吸引人的课程的实质,你也会逐渐发现自己毕生的研究兴趣所在。
After you arrive on campus, you choose courses to visit during the course selection period. What's more, in the first five minutes of the class, whenever you feel the lecture is too boring for you to follow, you can leave the classroom at will. Then from those you visit, you will enroll in four or five a semester. Please be aware that classes conducted during the first two weeks of the term are regular, full-fledged classes with readings and homework. Be prepared to keep up with assignments and participate fully in each class that you may wish to visit.
开学以后的选课阶段, 你可以随意选择去参加哪些课程。此外, 在课程的前五分钟, 如果你觉得这门课程太无聊了,那么你可以随意离开这个教室。接下来,每学期你都要从你试听的课程中选择四到五门来正式注册。试听课阶段的课程也是正式的常规课程的一部分,老师也会布置课下阅读和作业,所以一旦你想选某一门课,千万记得按时上课并完成课后作业。
However, in order to ensure that study is neither too narrowly focused nor too diffuse, Yale College requires that study be characterized, particularly in the earlier years, by a reasonable diversity of subject matter and approach,and in the later years by concentration in one of the major programs or departments.

Students are required to take no fewer than two course credits in the humanities and arts, two course credits in the sciences, and two course credits in the social sciences. In addition to completing courses in these disciplinary areas, students must fulfill skills requirements by taking two course credits in quantitative reasoning, two course credits in writing, and courses to further their foreign language proficiency. Depending on their level of accomplishment in foreign languages at matriculation, students may fulfill this last requirement with one, two, or three courses or by a combination of course work and approved study abroad. These foundational skills hold the key to many things students will want to know and do in later study and later life. The distributional requirements are the only specific rules limiting the selection of courses outside a student's major program.
Besides the distributional requirements, you are free to pursue your own interests. There is no restriction in your choice of subjects other than your major-such a flexibility in class shopping. It is said that there are about two thousand subjects which cover nearly all fields of inquiry available for the students to choose. With so many options, sometimes it is really difficult for you to make a decision as to which to follow, because most courses are so fascinating that you do not want to miss any of them.
除了对课程分配方面的强制规定外,你可以随意选择自己感兴趣的科目,即便是对你专业以外的课程学院也没有任何限制。据说耶鲁开设了 2000多门课程来供学生选择。面对这么多的选择,你有时很难决定到底要选哪几门课,因为大多数课程都是那么的吸引人,以至于你哪一节课都不想错过。
"Shopping" for the class is a pleasant academic travel, though it is not totally at your pleasure.