Colourful Residential Life
There is something special for the residential life at Yale: the residential systems for undergraduates and postgraduates operate differently. While it is a necessity for freshmen to live on campus, postgraduates enjoy the freedom to choose where they prefer to live, either on campus or outside.
Yale's residential college system which is more than seventy years old is perhaps the most distinctive feature of the College. The twelve residential colleges allow students to experience the cohesiveness and intimacy of a small school while still enjoying the cultural and scholarly resources of a large university; it is in this sense that each college is a microcosm of the larger student population. The twelve residential colleges all have their own master and dean who live in the college with their families and eat their meals with students in the dining hall.

Freshmen are required to live on campus and they live on single-sex floors. Before freshman year, all incoming undergraduates are assigned to one of the twelve residential colleges by the individual college deans with two considerations in mind: compatibility and diversity. While students are matched based on general living habits, they should look forward to encountering a slice of Yale's diversity in their suites. After freshman year, students choose their roommates and obtain rooms through lotteries held by their colleges. Students remain affiliated with their residential college for all four years (and beyond). The residential college system offers students a familiar, comfortable living environment, personal interaction with faculty members and administrators, and exciting opportunities for academic and extracurricular exploration.
大一新生必须住在校园里,而且男女生不会混层居住。在开学之前,每个学院的学监已经为所有即将入学的新生分配好了其所归属的住宿学院。这个分配是基于两方面的考虑的:相容性与多样性。尽管学院的分配总体上是依据学生各自的生活习惯的, 但是学生同时也很期待能在套间中感受到一些耶鲁的多样性。大一过后,学生可以自己选择室友,房间的分配也是由学院采取抽签决定的。学生整个四年(或四年以上) 都隶属于自己所在的住宿学院。这种住宿学院体制在为学生提供一个熟悉并且舒适的住宿环境的同时,也方便了学生与教职员工及行政人员的个人交往,此外这也为学生提供了更多有趣的学术及课余探索机会。
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