And then there is an additional tray of snacks that is there they have a full hour time with ad lib food and of course.
We measured absolutely everything that they eat and so here are the findings the difference in caloric intake in the first 11 subjects in this study.
Was +430 calories when they were sleep-deprived as opposed to fully rested and it was mostly under the form of.
Increased intake of carbohydrate-rich foods so we are here partly, as the legacy of Dr. Akins where it looks as if you are sleep-deprived.
更多的碳水化合物食物实现的我们的这项试验继承了阿金斯博士的研究阿金斯博士认为 如果你的睡眠不足
Knew you have trouble following any diet but probably with the Akan’s diet even worse now this kind of work is being going on in other laboratories.
那么你就会出现进食困难如果吃的是阿金斯的食物 那么就更困难了这是另一些实验室的研究结果
And I'd like to show here a study that was conducted at... I think it's in New York I think led by Marie-Pierre St-One.
And it's a very similar randomized crossover design of healthy young volunteers either short sleep or normal sleep.
这是一个非常类似的随机交叉研究试验参与者也是健康的年轻人他们的睡眠时间要么很短 要么正常
They also used the ad lib buffet which is a standard protocol of obesity research to measure you know, the anorexic impact of different drugs.
This ad lib buffet so they used that buffet as well and they recorded an increase of 300 calories.
Very similar to what we had recorded importantly, this study also measured energy expenditure using the double labeled water method.
和我们的结果非常相似重要的是 这项研究还测量了能量消耗情况使用二重标识水法
Which is kind of the gold standard for measuring energy expenditure under normal living condition then they found no significant differences.