They're not lazy. They're busily buying votes.
他们可没偷懒 他们在收买投票
While we hope to be saved by the national mood?
Before this blood is dry, when Stevens next takes the floor,taunt him. You excel at that.
趁着还有救 等史蒂文斯下次发言 嘲讽他 你很擅长这个
Get him to proclaim what we all know he believes in his coal-colored heart:
that this vote is meant to set the black race on high,to niggerate America.
这场投票是为了抬高黑人 是为了黑化美国
George, please. Stay on course.Bring Stevens to full froth.
乔治 不要气馁 想办法激怒史蒂文斯
I can ensure that every newspaperman from Louisville to San Francisco will be here to witness it and print it.
我能确保 从路易斯维尔到旧金山的记者 都会来见证和报道的
The floor belongs to the mellifluent gentleman from Kentucky, Mr. George Yeaman.
下面有请优雅的绅士 来自肯塔基的乔治·伊曼
I thank you, Speaker Colfax.
谢谢 科尔法议长
Although I'm disgusted by slavery I rise on this sad and solemn day.
尽管 我对奴隶制深恶痛绝 站在沉痛悲哀的今天
to announce that I'm opposed to the amendment.
We must consider what will become of colored folk if four million are in one instant set free.
我们要考虑如果40万有色人种 一瞬间全部获得自由会怎么样
They'll be free, George.That's what'll become of them!
他们就自由了 乔治 就是这样
Think how splendid if Mr. Yeaman switched.
Too publicly against us. He can't change course now.
公开反对我们 他不会倒戈了
Not for some miserable little job anyways.