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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • We will be forced to enfranchise the men of the colored race.
  • 我们将被迫解放赋予色人种政治权利
  • It would be inhuman not to.Who among us is prepared to give Negroes the vote?
  • 因为不这样做是没有人性的 可是我们有谁想给黑鬼选举权
  • What shall follow upon that?Universal enfranchisement?Votes for women?
  • 那接下来又是什么 全社会共享政治权利吗 女性也获得投票权吗
  • Bless my eyes, if it isn't the Post Master of Millersburg Ohio.
  • 这不是俄亥俄 米勒斯堡的 邮政局长吗
  • Mr. LeClerk felt honor-bound to inform us of your disgusting betrayal.
  • 莱克勒克先生认为在道义上 有责任告诉我们你的无耻背叛
  • Your prostitution.Is that true, Postmaster Hawkins?
  • 你出卖了灵魂 是吗 霍金斯局长
  • Is your maidenly virtue for sale?
  • 你的贞操一文不值吗
  • If my neighbors hear that I voted yes for nigger freedom and no to peace, they will kill me.
  • 如果我的邻居知道我投票支持黑奴自由 而不是和平 他们会杀了我的
  • A deal is a deal and you men know better than to piss your pants just because there's talk. about peace talks
  • 在商言商 你的人不会只因有谈和的传言 就要取你的项上人头的
  • Look, I'll find another job.My neighbors in Nashville,they found out I was loyal to the Union,they came after me with gelding knives.
  • 我会找到新工作的 我的邻居在纳什维尔 他们知道我效忠联邦 还拿刀子想阉我
  • Any other job! You do right, Clay Hawkins I want to do right! and make yourself some money in the bargain But I got no courage.
  • 什么工作都行 别走错路了 克莱·霍金斯 我也不想走错 还能大赚一笔 可我没有勇气
  • Wait!! You wanted, what was it, tax man for the Western Reserve,hell you can have the whole state of Ohio if you Aw, crap.
  • 等等 你是想当西部保留地的税务官 还是想拥有整个俄亥俄都行 只要 该死
  • Eleven votes?!Two days ago we had twelve! What happened?
  • 11票 两天前还有12票 怎么回事
  • There are defections in the Richmond It's the goddamned rumors regarding,Yes! The peace offer! Groundless.
  • 里士满变节了 是那个流言吗 是的 和谈的传言 无稽之谈
  • I told you that.And yet the rumors persist.They are ruining us.
  • 我早说过了 但是谣言还是不断 这会毁了我们


We will be forced to enfranchise the men of the colored race.


It would be inhuman not to.Who among us is prepared to give Negroes the vote?

因为不这样做是没有人性的 可是我们有谁想给黑鬼选举权

What shall follow upon that?Universal enfranchisement?Votes for women?

那接下来又是什么 全社会共享政治权利吗 女性也获得投票权吗

Bless my eyes, if it isn't the Post Master of Millersburg Ohio.

这不是俄亥俄 米勒斯堡的 邮政局长吗

Mr. LeClerk felt honor-bound to inform us of your disgusting betrayal.

莱克勒克先生认为在道义上 有责任告诉我们你的无耻背叛

Your prostitution.Is that true, Postmaster Hawkins?

你出卖了灵魂 是吗 霍金斯局长

Is your maidenly virtue for sale?


If my neighbors hear that I voted yes for nigger freedom and no to peace, they will kill me.

如果我的邻居知道我投票支持黑奴自由 而不是和平 他们会杀了我的

A deal is a deal and you men know better than to piss your pants just because there's talk. about peace talks

在商言商 你的人不会只因有谈和的传言 就要取你的项上人头的

Look, I'll find another job.My neighbors in Nashville,they found out I was loyal to the Union,they came after me with gelding knives.

我会找到新工作的 我的邻居在纳什维尔 他们知道我效忠联邦 还拿刀子想阉我

Any other job! You do right, Clay Hawkins I want to do right! and make yourself some money in the bargain But I got no courage.

什么工作都行 别走错路了 克莱·霍金斯 我也不想走错 还能大赚一笔 可我没有勇气

Wait!! You wanted, what was it, tax man for the Western Reserve,hell you can have the whole state of Ohio if you Aw, crap.

等等 你是想当西部保留地的税务官 还是想拥有整个俄亥俄都行 只要 该死

Eleven votes?!Two days ago we had twelve! What happened?

11票 两天前还有12票 怎么回事

There are defections in the Richmond It's the goddamned rumors regarding,Yes! The peace offer! Groundless.

里士满变节了 是那个流言吗 是的 和谈的传言 无稽之谈

I told you that.And yet the rumors persist.They are ruining us.

我早说过了 但是谣言还是不断 这会毁了我们

重点单词   查看全部解释    
groundless ['graundlis]


adj. 无根据的

clay [klei]


n. 粘土,泥土
n. (人的)肉体

inform [in'fɔ:m]


v. 通知,告诉,向 ... 报告,告发

tension ['tenʃən]


n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态,[电]电压

informed [in'fɔ:md]


adj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,

universal [.ju:ni'və:səl]


adj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的

defection [di'fekʃən]


n. 背叛,脱党,离会

concept ['kɔnsept]


n. 概念,观念

defect [di'fekt]


n. 缺点
vi. 背叛

virtue ['və:tju:]


n. 美德,德行,优点,贞操


关键字: 名人 林肯 传记




