It is also unsatisfactory to some that the elective franchise is not given to the colored man.
有些人会感到不满 因为黑人没有选举权
I would myself prefer...That means nigger citizenship.
我希望 这样一来 黑鬼也成公民了
on the very intelligent and on those who serve our cause as soldiers, some 12,000 voters.
智慧的人民 还有为我们的事业奋斗的 士兵们 大约有12000位选民
Shoot him.Draw your revolver and shoot him now.
杀了他 拔出你的左轮手枪 杀了他
There's people.There are always people.
这里人太多了 人一直都会很多
I wonder, Mr. Powell, or Mr. Payne,in spite of your reputation, if you have what it takes.
我很好奇 鲍威尔先生 或者派恩先生 你到底是名不虚传还是名不副实
I already suspect that Mr. Herold here does not.
There's no call for that.Oh, I got what it takes.
别胡说八道了 我不是浪得虚名
Now, by God, I will put him through.That is the last speech he will ever make.
我会送他去见上帝 这会是他此生最后一次演讲
Abraham Lincoln has less than four days to live.
Washington City celebrates Robert E. Lee's surrender with a grand illumination.
华盛顿彻夜灯火通明 庆祝罗伯特·E·的投降
Candles burn in every window,public and private.
每个窗台上都点着蜡烛 无论公共场所还是私人住宅
Fireworks and cannon volleys proclaim victory.