Among the frontier guards any number of gods were worshipped – the Persian sun god Mithras, for example, and not long after, the unique and invisible god of the Christians.
However, life in these outposts was not very different from life in Rome.
Today we can still find Roman theaters and bathhouses in Germany (in Cologne, Trier, Augsburg and Regensburg),
in Austria (in Salzburg and Vienna), in France (in Arles and Names), and in England (in Bath), together with villas for imperial officials and barracks for the soldiers.
Older soldiers often bought themselves land in the district, married a local girl and settled near the camp.
As a result, the populations within the provinces gradually became accustomed to the Roman presence,
while those who lived beyond the Rhine and the Danube became increasingly restless as the years went by.
It wasn't long before Roman emperors were spending more time in frontier towns than in their palaces in Rome.