Reporter: Did you change anything about the way you presented yourself?
Iger: Well, it’s a long time ago. Of course, at 23 you think you know everything about yourself. But looking back, now that I’m 58,I don’t know whether it was conscious or not, but I must have believed in myself enough so that I didn’t really let it get to me. And I was so lucky to have had another opportunity presented to me right away. Had that not been the case, I might have reacted very differently. But I rose above it very quickly, and there was a lesson in that. I think it toughened me up a little bit more. It made me a little bit more cautious, maybe a little bit more, just generally, wary about people. I talked earlier about the need to be an optimist. It challenges your optimism a little bit, particularly when you’re just starting out in your career.
伊格尔:那是很长时间以前的事情了。 当然,在23岁的时候你会觉得你对自己是非常了解的。但是我现在已经58 岁了,现在回想当年,我不知道自己当时意识到这个问题了没有,但是我一定很相信自己,只有那样我才能够不让那种想法来左右我。我很幸运,马上又有了一个新的可以展现自我的机会,如果事情不是这样发展的话,我想我可能对这件事情的反应会是大不相同的。但我很快从那件事情中振作了起来,并且从中学习到了一些东西,它使我变得更加坚强、更加谨慎,在与人相处的方面也变得更加小心。我前面提到过做一个乐观主义者的重要性,那挑战了你的乐观主义,尤其是在你的事业刚开始的时候。

Reporter: Do you recall an insight that put your career on a different trajectory ?
Iger: Well, as you’d expect in a 35-year career,there are twists and turns along the way. I started off wanting very much to be a newscaster. I began as a weatherman and I learned very quickly I wasn’t very good at it. I’d say the first lesson I learned is, if you’re not good at one thing, try something else. Don’t stick with something you’re not good at unless you think you could turn yourself into someone who’s good at that.
伊格尔:就像你所能想到的那样,在35 年的职业生涯中,每个人都会经历迂回曲折。我刚开始工作的时候,非常想当一名新闻播音员,我开始时是做一名气象预报员,但是我很快发现我并不适合那个工作,所以我从中学习到的第一个教训就是,当你发现自己不适合做某件事情的时候,去尝试其他的事情,不要一直坚持你并不擯长的事情,除非你认为自己有一天能够做得很好。
Reporter: What career advice do you give to people?
Iger: When you navigate the sometimes tricky waters of a big corporation, there’s a need to be really patient. When it comes to managing a career, patience is extremely important because people set goals for themselves that often are unrealistic. It’s great to do that because you want to be ambitious, but you don’t have control of a lot of circumstances. And when you set these goals and they’re not met, the reasons are beyond your control, it creates impatience and you then make career decisions out of impatience. That’s a big mistake. One of my bosses once said that just when you think nothing’s going to change, everything changes. And you reach a point where you’re not sure any opportunity is going to present itself, and the next day you come in and you're-boom-smacked in the face with some huge new opportunity you didn’t even predict was going to occur. That happened to me a number of times.
伊格尔:当你处理大公司里很棘手的事情的时候,一定要学得很有耐心。在进行职业规划的时候,耐心是尤其重要的,因为人们给自己设立的目标往往都是不现实的。一个人有目标当然是很好的,因为那说明你是有抱负的,但是这个世界上有很多情况是你自己无法控制的。当你给自己制定了目标,而最终目标没有实现的原因就是,事情不在你的掌握之中,所以你变得没有耐心,然后在没有耐心的时候,你做出了自己的职业决定。那是很严重的错误。我的一个老板曾经说过,就在你认为任何事情都不会发生变化的时候,一切都发生了改变。然后你就开始不相信自己能够有机会做得更好,然而第二天的时候,却出乎你意料之外的出现了很多很好的机会。 这种事情在我身上发生了好多次。