Reporter: How do you stay in touch with people throughout the company?
lger: It takes a lot of getting around. You have to see people, and not get too involved in too many extracurricular activities and all the other gravitational pulls that exist in the business world. When you meet people face to face, you’ve got to project an accessibility-that you can get on an elevator and actually have a conversation with someone or go to an employee cafeteria and talk with people, or stroll a floor of a building and connect with people. I make it part of my schedule to do that. I was in Orlando recently, where we have over 60,000 people. I couldn’t touch every one of them, but many of them knew I was there, because I was out seeing people and getting around, and that’s a good thing. One, you show you care. Two, it gives you an ability to hear people.
伊格尔:要做到那样你需要多走动走动。 你必须要与员工们碰面,但是不要过多的参与业余的活动,也不要陷入存在于商业世界中的其它所有让人堕落的事情中。当你与员工面对面遇到的时候,你必须要表现的平易近人,比如说你可以与大家一同乘电梯,然后与某一个员工进行交谈,或者是去员工餐厅与他们交谈,或者是在公司的楼层里走动,然后与员工们进行接触。那样做是我日程的一部分。我最近待在奥兰多,在那里, 我们有6万余名员工。我不可能与他们每一个人都接触到,但是公司的大多数人都知道我在那里,因为我总是外出见客或四,走走,这是一件很好的事情。 第一,k表现出对员工的关心;第二, 它也为你提供了倾听员工心声的机会。

Reporter: Let’s talk about hiring. How do you do it?
lger: Carefully. I try to get to know someone, and I obviously use references as an important guide as well. Warren Buffett,who was the largest shareholder of Capital Cities/ABC and someone I am fortunate to have both known and learned from, is fond of saying,” When you hire someone, you look for brains, energy and integrity, and if they don’t have the third, integrity, you better watch out, because the first two will kill you.’’ And so you obviously want to hire someone who's smart and you want to hire someone who has energy, because that’s required in many of these jobs. But integrity is the most important factor. So getting to know them, getting under their skin to the extent possible, becomes important. And I also look for qualities in people beyond that. I love curiosity, particularly in our business— being curious about the world, but also being curious about your business, new business models, new technology.
伊格尔:我们招聘的时候总是很仔细很认真。我试着去了解一个人,我也将推荐信作为一个很重要的因素。我既有幸认识又能从他身上学到很多东西的沃伦.巴菲特,即大都会公司和美国广播公司最大的股东,他总是喜欢说:"当你准备雇佣员工的时候,你所要寻找的就是智慧、能量和正直,如果他不具备第三点即正直的品质的话,你最好小心点,因为他会利用前两点将你打败。" 所以在你招聘员工的时候,显然地,你想要雇佣有智慧的人,想要雇佣有能量的人,因为这在很多的工作中都是必需的品质,但是正直其实才是最重要的因素。所以,真正的去了解一个人的内在就变得很重要,我也总是在人们身上寻找那样的品质。我欣赏一个人的好奇心,尤其是在我们的领域,不仅对这个世界充满好奇,也对我们的行业、新的产业模式和新技术感到好奇。
Reporter: Give me some examples of questions that you would ask to get to know somebody? Or in an interview?
Iger: I don’t have any tricks. I try to learn more about a person, what he does outside of work, his family, what their interests are—someone with too many interests is usually faking it. But you can quickly determine whether they’ve got a couple of interests, or one in particular that they’re really passionate about. Passion suggests some level of curiosity, by the way, too. That is an important quality. I try to determine whether someone is interested in new technology, because technology is changing our businesses right before our eyes, particularly consumer behavior. And if you’re not curious about technology and its potential impact on your life, then you’ll have no clue what its impact might be on someone else’s life. I don’t discount nervousness, because everyone should be a little nervous when they’re interviewed, particularly if a job is important. But I like someone who’s got an ability to look me in the eye and communicate effectively, even if they don’t know me.