'Is he the man,'asked the Secretary, 'who wrote a History of Witchcraft about ten years ago?'
'Yes, that's the man,'replied Mr Bennett. 'Do you re- member what the newspaers said about it?'
'Yes, I do,'said the Secretary.'They all said that it was a really bad book. In fact, I knew the man who wrote the sharpest report of them all. So did you, of course. You re-member John Harrington? He was at Cambridge with us.'
'Oh, very well indeed. But I had heard nothing of him between the time we left university and the day I read about his accident in the newspaper.'
'What happened to him?'asked one of the ladies.
'It was very strange,'said Mr Bennett.' He fell out of a tree and broke his neck. The mystery was why he had climbed the tree in the first place. There he was, an ordinary man walking home along a country road late one evening, and suddenly he began to run as fast as he could. Finally he climbed up a tree beside the road; a dead branch broke, he fell and was killed. When they found him the next morning, he had a terrible expression of fear on his face. It was quite clear that he had been chased by something and people talked about mad dogs and so on, but no one ever found the answer. That was in 1889 and ever since then his brother, Henry, who was also at Cambridge with us, has been trying to find out the truth of what happened.