And so I think it's in hopes of praise or acceptance
They need a virgin for bait, obviously their mother would not do
我们需要一个女仆当诱饵 很明显他们的母亲不愿意这么做
We read over in the middle of 255 It seem that the unicorn was a swift intimidating antelope
我们仔细阅读255页中间的部分 这只独角兽看起来像一只敏捷的可怕的羚羊

And could only be captured in one way You have to have a maid for a bait and when the unicorn Proceeds to it alone, just to be alone, he would immediately Come to lay his horn in her lap
只能用一种方法抓住它 你必须用一个少女当诱饵 当独角兽 对她发动进攻的时候 单独的时候 他会立刻 将它 的角夹在膝盖
So they think of Meg They go get Meg Meg is a kitchen maid, a very unwilling participant in this
所以他们想到了梅格 他们将差使梅格来干这件事 梅格是厨房佣人 她很不情愿参与此事
They kind of have to drag her around the field and they tie her into a tree or something,
他们不得不用蛮力将她拽到战场上 他们将她绑在树上或者其他的地方
whether they tie her in her long hair
Boys, oh gosh
你们这些人 天啊
Probably just do without them
没有他们 可能也能做成
What is Agravaine is saying here at the beginning?
He says, in the bottom of 256
他说 在256页的下面
After they have secured the virgin, the four boys stood around her Discussing the next stage
等他们弄到女仆之后 这四个男孩围着她 讨论下一步该怎么做
They have distracted real boar spears from the armoury so they Would be properly armed
他们从兵器库里拿出了粗矛 他们将全副武装
This girl said, Agravaine, this is my mother
这个女孩说 Agravaine 这是我的母亲
He's just scary, i mean he had this kid for a real child He definitely want to put him in an institution preferably in another country
他感到十分害怕 我的意思是他把这个小孩当作自己的孩子 他宁愿把这个孩子放在其他的国家
and get him as far away from you as possible
Anyway they leave Meg alone in good freeing style here
Of course the unicorn is gonna show up
当然 独角兽开始露面了
What is Gareth's position in all of this?