Personally, one of the things you get,when I was your age I had a a sports car and motorcycle,
就个人而言 我在你们这个年纪的时候有一辆跑车和摩托车
as you get older,you must have more metal around yourself
You already know that your life options are starting to run out
And so when you see these ads on tv where they have like Big fancy cars that have 9,000 horsepower
当我们在电视上看到类似于我们曾经开过的车的时候 那些豪华汽车有9000马力

there's one I think for Lexus within the last year and It shows like a dad driving his teenage son and daughter for a date
这里有一款车 我认为去年一年 凌志汽车的广告 呈现给观众的是一位父亲载着他的儿子和女儿去约会
And there was a stop sign, and so it came up with like a 400 horsepower Trans Am car next to them
路途中突然出现了停车标志 接下来这辆车的 转动装置加到了400马力
He's like revving his engine and the kid said, Do it dad, do it!
这位父亲就像是加速了引擎 然后这个孩子说 爸爸 尽管做吧
Those cars were made for people like me
It's like, yes I would like to have another fast car but In case if I do something incredibly stupid, I want to be alive
就像是 是的 我想要另外一辆跑得快的车 但是 如果我做了一些难以置信的愚蠢的事情 我想活下来
And so, that's what I have actually
Because I might want to do something incredibly stupid
因为我可能会有这种冲动 做一些愚蠢的事情
Anyway, the unicorn was white with hooves of silver
不管怎样这只独角兽 全身都很白 蹄子是银白的
And a graceful horn of pearl
He stepped daintily What is daintily stepping? Why don't you run the image for me? Daintily, what is this?
他款款而来 款款而来是什么意思呢 为何你不跑给我们看看 款款 这是什么意思呢
Does it have a masculine symbol is daintily stepping Should it be putting big holes on the earth or something? Daintily?
走路带着一种阳刚之气是不是款款而来呢 那它应该是把地儿踩了大洞其他的东西 款款而来
Over the header, not through the header?
幅度不大 还是没有太大的幅度
Scarily seeming the press with his airy trot
And wind made waves in its long mane which have been freshly combed
I don't know how you all read I read something like that, I think, who combed it? What do you mean freshly combed? Does it comb itself?
我不清楚你们是怎样理解的 我是这样理解的 我认为 谁梳齐鬓毛 你说理顺是什么意思 它是自己梳的吗
Where did he get freshly combed? I know stuff like that shouldn't bother me but, what?
它在哪儿理顺鬓毛的 我知道这种东西难不倒我 但是